Short Notes – RH134
—- Improve Command Line Productivity —-
- if any command is used everyday we could write a shell script to automate
— introduction to shell —
- its like a container
- interface between users and kernel/OS
- cli is a shell
echo $0
- shows the current shell type
cat /etc/shells
- list available shells
cat /etc/passwd
- shows the user shell
- Windows GUI is a shell
- Linux KDE is a shell
- Linux sh, bash etc is a shell
— Shell Scripting —
- always define the shell
- shell script should have executable permission
- shell script has to be called from the absolute path
(/home/user/script.bash) - if it is in the current location then, ./script.bash
— Shell script – Basic scripts —
filters/text processors:
— input/output —
— if-then script —
if [ $count -eq 100]
echo count is 100
echo count is not 100
if [ -e /path/of/a/file.txt ]
echo “The file is Available!”
echo “No file has been found.”
— FOR loop scripts —
for i in 1 2 3 4 5
echo “Welcome $i Times”
for i in eat run jump play
echo See Donkey
grep means global regular expression print
grep username /etc/passwd
cat /etc/passwd | grep username
grep -c username /etc/passwd
- -c aruguemt will count the outputs for the grep command and show the count
grep -i
- ignore case sensitive
grep -n
- shows the greped word and where it was found
grep -vi
- shows the rest without grepped words
cat /etc/passwd | awk ‘{print S1}’
- print only the first column of the output
cat /etc/passwd | awk ‘{print S1}’ | cut -c1-3
- print only the first 3 letters
- search two words
cat /etc/passwd | egrep -i “username1|username2”
- greps for the two words mentioned
—– Scheduling future Linux tasks —–
at. is onetime basis or ad-hoc process
crontab -e
- to edit the crontab
crontab -l
- view the crontab entries
22 13 * * echo “First Cron Entry” > crontab-entry
- minutes hour day month year
- * is the every
—– Tune system performance —–
- optimize system performance by selecting a tuning profile managed by the tuned daemon
- prioritize or de-prioritize specific processes with the nice and renice commands
- comes with predefined profiles and settings
- tune is for system tuning and d for daemon
- command to change setting for tuned daemon
tuned-adm active
- to check which profile is active
tuned-adm list
- to list the available profiles
tuned-adm profile profile-name
- to change to the desired profile
tuned-adm recommend
- to check the tuned recommendation
tuned-adm off
- turn off tuned recommendation
—- nice and renice —-
- priority can be set at 40 different levels
- nice level values range from -20 (highest priority) to 19 (lowest priority) and by default processes inherit their nice level from their parent, which is usually 0
- Linux priorities are 0 to 139 in which 0 to 99 for real time and 100 to 139 for users
- process priority can be viewed through ps command as well with the right options
ps axo pid,comm,nice,cls –sort=nice - to set the process priority
nice -n # process-name
nice -n -15 top
renice -n # process-name
renice -n 12 PID
—- ACL – Access Control Lists —-
- to add permission for user
setfacl -m u:username:rwx /path/to/file - to add permission for a group
setfacl -m g:groupname:rw /path/to/file - to allow all files or directories to inherit ACL entries from the directory it is within (R means recursive)
setfacl -Rm “entry” /path/to/dir - to remove specific entry (for specific user)
setfacl -x u:user /path/to/file - to remove all entries (for all users)
setfacl -b /path/to/file
— SELinux (Security Enhanced Linux) —
- Linux kernel security module
DAC – Discretionary Access Control
- examples for DAC is files permissions
SELinux (MAC) – Mandatory Access Control
— SELinux Options —
Enforcing = enabled, enabled by default in rhel
Permissive = disabled but logs the activity
Disabled = disabled and not activity logs
- to check SELinux status
getenforce - SELinux settings
setenforce 0 (permissive/disable)
setenforce 1 (enable)
Modify SELinux config for permanent setting:
Before restart after enforcing selinux create a file named
— Two main types of SELinux —
Type enforcement
ls -lZ /user/bin/httpd
- to list the label of the file
ls -dZ /etc/httpd
- to list the label of the directory
— Command to manage SELinux setting —
semanage –> to label
file context
permissive state
— Boolean —
- list all of booleans
getsebool -a
semanage boolean -l - to enable Booleans
setsebool -P boolean-name on - to check any errors related to selinux
journalctl - to change the type in a label
chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t FILENAME
semanage -t httpd_sys_content_t FILENAME
—- Storage —-
local storage
SAN (Storage Area Network)
NAS (Network Attached Storage)
— Disk Partition —
df -h
fdisk -l
— Adding disk and creating partition —
fdisk -l
fdisk /dev/sdb
mkfs /dev/sdb
mount /dev/sdb /data
df -h
vi /etc/fstab
/dev/sdb /data xfs defaults 0 0
man fstab
umount /data
mount -a
- check this
—- Manage Logical Volume Management (LVM) —
- Software based
PV – Physical Volume
VG – Volume Group
LG – Logical Volume
Add disk and create lvm partition
file system
Logical volumes
Volume Groups
Physical Volume1 PV2 PV3
Partitions1 Par2 Par3
fdisk /de/sdb
pvcreate /dev/sdb
vgcreate vg-name /dev/sdb
lvcreate -n lv-name –size 1G vg-name
mount /dev/vg-name/lv-name /filename-to-mount
—- Add extend disk using lvm —-
if mount has done through the lvm it is possible to extend the partition
fdisk -l
fdisk /dev/sdd
pvcreate /dev/sdd
vgextend vg-name /dev/sdd
lvedtend -L+1024M /file/system/name
xfs_grows /file/system/name
—– Implement advanced storage features —–
- next generation volume management solution named stratis
- enabled by default
yum install stratis-cli stratisd -y
systemctl enable stratisd
systemctl start stratisid
stratis pool create pool-name /dev/sdb
stratis pool list
stratis pool add-data pool-name /dev/sdc
stratis pool list
stratis filesystem create pool-name fs1
stratis filesystem list
mount /dev/stratis/pool-name/fs1 /directory/to/mount
df -h
stratis filesystem snapshot pool-name fs1 snap-name
stratis filesystem list
UUID=”” /foldername xfs defaults, x-system.requires=stratisd.service 0 0
- add entry to the /etc/fstab to mount at boot
—– Access network-attached storage (NFS and Samba) —–
— Network File System (NFS) —
Steps for NFS server configuration
- install nfs packages
yum install nfs-utils libnfsidmap
systemctl enable rpcbind
systemctl enable nfs-server
systemctl start rpcbind, nfs-server, rpc-statd, nfs-idmapd
mkdir /folder-name
chmod a+rwx /folder-name
- modify /etc/exports (for only 1 host)
/folder-name (rw,sync,no_root_squash) - export filesystem – CHECK WHAT IS THIS
exportfs -rv - NFS Share – IP address of the client
/foldername - if use * to the ip it means all of the hosts
Steps for NFS client configuration
yum install nfs-utils libnfsidmap
service rpcbind start
- stop if running mentioned services
ps -ef | egrep “firewall|iptable” - show mount from the NFS server
showmount -e (NFS server IP) - create a mount point
mkdir /mnt/point - mount the nfs filesystem
mount /mnt/point
df -h
- to unmount
umount /mnt/point
—— Samba ——
— Samba (smb vs CIFS) — It’s the same thing
- SMB (Server Message Block) protocol by IBM
- CISFS (Common Internet File System) by Microsoft
- configuration file
yum install samba samba-client samba-common
firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-service=samba
firewall-cmd –reload
mkdir -p /samba/folder
chmod a+rwx /samba/folder
chown -R nobody:nobody /samba
vi /etc/selinux/config
- change smb config file
workgroup = WORKGROUP
NetBIOS name = centos
security = user
map to guest = bad user
dns proxy = no
path = /samba/folder
browsable = yes
writable = yes
guest ok = yes
guest only = yes
read only = no
- verify command in the config file is ok
systemctl enable smb
systemctl start smb
systemctl start nmb
— Samba client —
yum -y install cifs-utils samba-client
mkdir /mnt/sambashare
mount -t cifs // /mnt/sambashare
— CHECK HOW TO ADD THIS IN FSTAB, incase pc is restarted – check it own
—— Control Boot Process ——
- Boot sequence may change in different os of Linux
- system is the new service manager, that manages boot process
BIOS – Firmware
POST – Power on self test
MBR – Master boot record
GRUB2 – Grand Unified Boot Loader v2 /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Kernal – loads required drivers from initrd.img
system = reads /etc/systemd/system/ to bring the system to the run-level (total of 7 run levels 0 to 6)
systemctl poweroff
systemctl reboot
— selecting a system target —
- to check the current target or run-level
systemctl get-default
who -r
systemctl list-dependencies | grep target
- shows the dependencies of the mentioned target
ls -al /lib/systemd/system/runlevel*
- display the new run levels
systemctl set-default
- setting a default target
— Recover root password —
- restart the computer
- edit grub
- change password
- reboot
press shift when system is rebooting
press e to edit the bootfile
delete where it says ro and replace it with below;
rw init=/sysroot/bin/sh
press ctrl x
chroot /sysroot
passwd root
touch /.autorelabel
— Repair filesystem corruption —
- file corruption can occur when making mistakes in /etc configuration files or filesystem become corrupted at the disk level
- refer to the common types of errors and Linux behaviors in redhat documentation
- when using the emergency shell to fix filesystem issues do not forget to run systemctl daemon-reload after reading /etc/fstab
- check and repair Linux filesystem
—- Introduction to Firewall —-
- same works as the iptables
- firewalld has following;
- table
- chains
- rules
- targets
- start firewall
systemctl start firewalld - check the rules of firewalld
firewall-cmd –list-all - get the listings of all services firewalld aware of
firewall-cmd –get-services - reload the firewall service
firewall-cmd –reload - before stating the firewall make sure to stop iptables
- list firewall zones
firewall-cmd –get-zones - list the active firewall zones
firewall-cmd –get-active-zones - to list the firewall rules for a specific zone
firewall-cmd –zone=public –list-all - all services are specified on:
/usr/lib/firewalld/services/*.xml - to add a service
firewall-cmd –add-service=http - to remove a service
firewall-cmd –remove-service=http - to add or remove service permanently
firewalld-cmd –add-service=http –permanent - to add a port
firewall-cmd –add-port=4434/tcp –permanent - if we not add the permanent tag it will remove the policy once the firewalld service is reloaded
- to remove a port
firewall-cmd –remove-port=4434/tcp –permanent - to reject incoming traffic form an IP address
firewall-cmd –add-rich-rule=’rule family=”ipv4″ source address=”″ reject’ - to block and unblock icmp traffic
firewall-cmd –add-icmp-block-inversion
firewall-cmd –remove-icmp-block-inversion - to block outgoing traffic
firewall-cmd –direct –add-rule ipv4 filter OUTPUT 0 -d -j DROP - similar what to nslookup
host -t a
—— Run containers ——
docker, podman
- podman is developed by redhat
- docker is not supported in rhel8
— Redhat container Technology —
podman – for directly managing pods and container images (run, stop, start, ps, attach, etc.)
buildah – for building, pushing and signing container images
skopeo – for copying, inspecting, deleting and signing images
runc – for providing container run and build features to podman and buildah
crun – an optional runtime that can be configured and gives greater flexibility, control, and security for rootless containers
— podman container technology —
images – containers can be created through images and containers can be converted to images
pods – group of containers deployed together on the host. In the podman logo there are 3 seals grouped together as a pod
— building running and managing containers —
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