Summarization – RH124
Here are the summery that I have been followed in the RH124 course provided by the RedHat in order to complete the RHCSA exam. Here is the content that is being written in the page;
- Manage Files from the CLI
- Help in RHEL
- Work with Text Files
- Manager Local Users and Groups
- Control Access to Files
- Monitor and Manage Linux Processes
- Control Services and Daemons
- Analyze Logs
- Networking
- Archive and Transfer Files
- Install and Updates
Missed –> File Structure of Linux System.
1. Manage Files from the CLI
List Files in Linux: Before that
[shanukajayakodi@localhost ~]$ ls -ltr
total 0
drwxr-xr-x. 2 shanukajayakodi shanukajayakodi 6 Nov 30 13:13 Videos
drwxr-xr-x. 2 shanukajayakodi shanukajayakodi 6 Nov 30 13:13 Templates
drwxr-xr-x. 2 shanukajayakodi shanukajayakodi 6 Nov 30 13:13 Public
drwxr-xr-x. 2 shanukajayakodi shanukajayakodi 6 Nov 30 13:13 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x. 2 shanukajayakodi shanukajayakodi 6 Nov 30 13:13 Music
drwxr-xr-x. 2 shanukajayakodi shanukajayakodi 6 Nov 30 13:13 Downloads
drwxr-xr-x. 2 shanukajayakodi shanukajayakodi 6 Nov 30 13:13 Documents
drwxr-xr-x. 2 shanukajayakodi shanukajayakodi 6 Nov 30 13:13 Desktop
List Files: ls -l
— create files
— create directories
–file maintenance commands
rmdir rm -r
(inside folders also will be removed from the -r and if used -Rf files will be removed forcefully)
— examples
touch test-writing
echo “Test writing starts from here” > test-writing
cat test-writing
chown shanuka:shanuka foldername
chgrp shanuka foldername
softlinks and hardlinks
inode – pointer or number of a file on the hard disk
soft link – link will be removed if file is removed or renamed
hard link – deleting renaming or moving the original file will not affect the hard link
ln -s
pwd (print working directory)
touch filename
this is how to create the softlink —>
ln -s /home/Shanuka/filename
when creating a link it starting with l in the file permissions
ls -li
(i means inode) inode is the number that Linux system used to remember the filenams
ls -ltri /path/filename
in the softlink the inode number is different in the shortcut and the original file
hard link —->
only works within the same partition
error message says “invalid cross-device link” when trying to create with another partition
ln /path/filename
not showing the point to the shortcut like softlinks, and not showing l letter in the file permissions also,
file is not removing when we deleted it from the original location
—- Input and output redirects —-
there are 3 redirects in Linux
standard input, file descriptor as 0 – stdin
standard output, file descriptor as 1 – stdout
standard error, file descriptor as 2 – stderr
all things in the Linux systems are considered as a file – directory/file/keyboard and mouse input/anything -(check this statement)
we can save the terminal output using the “>” symbol
when it happens not showing the output in the terminal
ls -l > savedfile1
pwd > savedfile2
to append –
ls -la >> savedfile1
ls -la
shows all the files including the hidden files when “-a” is used
hidden files are starting the filename in . fullstop
to open a files in a specific applications we could use this feature
cat < file
file is showing from the cat
ls -l /root 2> errorfile
telnet localhost 2> errorfile
when mentioning 2 which the file stderr file descriptor it will only saved the error logs
—- Pipes | —-
pipe is used by the shell to connect the output of one command directly to the input of another command
ls -ltr | more
ll (similar to the ls -l command)
ll | tail -1
show the last line/file of the list
—- Help Commands —-
3 types of help commands
whatis command
command –help
man command
—- Linux File Editor —-
vi – visual editor
ed – standard line editor
ex – extended line editor
emacs – a full screen editor
pico – beginner’s editor
vim – advanced version of vim
In vi :
i – insert
r – replace (only replace one character)
d – delete (will delete the entire line)
u – undo
x – only delete one character
o – give new line and go the insert mode
d d – when typing d twice in the command it will delete the entire line
/searchword – searchword replace with what you want to search
to save:
Shift + Z Z
ESC, :wq
grep wordtosearch filename
grep name personalinfofile
—- User Account Management —-
commands —->
files —->
useradd -g groupname -s /bin/bash -c “user description” -m -d /home/userhome username
groupname, userhome and username can be replaced with whatever name you want.
id username
shows userid, groupid
verification – to verify you can go to /home/ and list the files to check from which names the files were created -this location shows the user’s home directory
cat /etc/group
userdel username
deletes the user
userdel -r username
deletes the home directory also
usermod -G usergroup username
changes the user group to another group
chgrp -R groupname
—— /etc/login.def file —–
- the command is specifically used to set parameters for the password, not for the user modifications
chage -m 5 -M 90 -W 10 -I 99999 -E 99999 shanu
—– Switch Users and sudo access —-
su – username
- sudo use when the user has not access to the root
- configuration file which lets you to give command permissions to users
- file is /etc/sudoers
usermod -aG wheel username
- to give permissions to users we could add the user to the wheel group which is mentioned in the/etc/sudoers file.
when logging to other user accounts from root, it did not prompted any passwords to authenticated
—– File Permissions —–
Linux multi user system
there are 3 types of persmissons
r – read
w – write
x – execute (running a program)
each permission (rwx) can be controlled at three levels
u – user (yourself)
g – group (can be people in the same project)
o – other (everyone on the system)
file or directory permissions can be displayed using ls -l command
- command to change permission
chmod g-w filename
= removes write permission from the file (g means group)
chmod a-r filename
- removes read permission from all (a means all)
chmod u-w filename
- removes file permission from user (u means user)
chmod u+w filename
- granting write permissions to user
chmod g+rw finemae
- granting read write permissions to group
We require to give executable permissions to view the contents inside the directory using the cd command
— File Ownership —
there are 2 owners of a file or directory
- user and group
command to change file ownership
- chown
- chgrp
Recursive ownership change option
chown root filename
- Change owner to root of a file
- chgrp root filename
- Change group ownership to root of a file
—— Monitor and Manage Linux Processes ——
Script – something written in a file and then packaged it to a way that it will execute
Process – application processes
Daemon – continuously running in background until interrupted
threads – (service -> process -> threads) could be many threads
job – run a service or process at a scheduled time
— Monitor and Manage processes —
df -h
- disk space usage
df -T
- shows the device type like ext4, xfs etc.
du -h
- disk usage/estimate file space usage
du – h | sort -nr | more
- the more tag used to view output as page wise, we can continue using the spacebar
- sorts to the numeric, reverse order
-h means human readable
- shows the system uptime
- shows amount of memory – used and free
free -m
- shown in megabytes
- list open files
- dumps network traffic
tcpdump -i interfacename
- change the interface name to such as eth0, by getting the interface name from the ip a command
- print network connections, routing tables and network statistics
netstat -rnv
- prints the routing table with the gateway information
netstat -a
- shows all the connected connections
netstat -tulpn
- shows the current listening ports
netstat -au
- shows all udp connections
netstat -at
- show al tcp connections
- shows the current processes
ps -ef
- shows all processes running in the system
ps -ef | grep processname
- change the processname to a process that you want to get details about
- kill processes
kill -9
- if process is did not getting killed we can mention -9 to kill all the associate processes
vmstat (virtual memory statistics)
iostat (CPU and device I/O statistics)
iftop (display bandwidth usage on an interface)
——- Control Services and Daemons ——
daemons – processes that are running continuously
services are controlled by systemctl
systemctl is a systemd utility responsible for controlling the systemd system and service manager
systemd is a collection of system management daemons, utilities, and libraries which servers as a replacement of System V init daemon
systemd is the parent process of most of the daemons
command to control system services = systemctl
systemctl –version
ps -ef | grep system
- to check systemd is running
systemctl –all
- check all running services
systemctl status | start | stop | restart application.service
- check and start a service
systemctl reload application.service
- reload configuration of a service
systemctl enable | disable application.service
- to enable or disable a service at boot time
systemctl mask | unmask application.service
- to enable or disable a service completely (at boot or manually)
rpm -qa
- list all installed packages in the rpm based Linux system
rpm -qa | wc -l
- get the total of the installed packages
apt list –installed
—— Configure and Secure SSH ——-
Secure SSH —->
- – Configure IDLE timeout interval
First copy the original config file.
edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
ClientAliveInterval 600
ClientAliveCountMax 0
systemctl restart sshd
press g in the vi text editor to go down in the page
- – Disable root login
edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitRootLogin no
systemctl restart sshd
- – Disable empty passwords
edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PermitEmptyPasswors no
systemctl restart sshd
- – Limit Usres’ SSH Access
edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
AllowUsers user1 user2
systemctl restart sshd
- – Use a different port
edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Port 22
systemctl restart sshd
- – SSH Keys – Access Remote Server without Password
Use Cases –
repetitive logins
automation through scripts
Keys are generated at user level
client machine —->
- step 01. generate the key
-step 02. copy the key to the server
ssh-copy-id root@
- step 03. login from client to server
ssh root@
ssh -l root
- shows the hostname of the Linux system
—– Log Monitoring —–
log directory –> /var/log
chronyd = NTP
if you getting any errors when booting up the system, you can find error logs here:
every time machine getting restarted the file is replaced with the new one
cat dmesg
- shows the hardware changes
shows logging and logout information of he all users
tail -f /var/log/secure
-f is used to follow what is going with the log file
if any issue found in the machine first thing is to do is to check message log
cat /var/log/messages
the following command will ignore the case sensitivity of the message file
cat /var/log/messages | grep -i error
—— Analyze and store logs —–
Maintaining Accurate Time
- chronyd is NTP service used for time synchronization in the newer Linux systems.
- shows the current date and time
- shows the ntp settings also with the current date and time
timedatectl list-timezones
- shows the all timezones
timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
- set timezone to new York, America
timedatectl set-time HH:MM:SS
timedatectl set-time ‘2021-08-18 20:12:50’
timedatectl set-ntp true
- sync with the ntp server
—- chronyd —–
for time synchronization
rpm -qa | grep chrony
- check package availability
don’t run two ntp services at the same time
- check the ntpd service is running
- to run the command
type help in chronyc to get help, it is a interactive command
type sources to get details of the chronyc file
—– Manage Linux Networking —–
nmtui – network manager text ui
nmcli – network manager cli
nm-connection-editor (GUI)
GNOME Settings
ip a
— is the network manager which manages the network
- shows the network interfaces with the ip details
nmcli connection
- shows the adapters
nmcli connection –help
— shows arguments and helps inside the connection
How to set a static IP using nmcli —->
nmcli device
- get details of the network interface
nmcli connection modify ens160 ipv4.address
nmcli connection modify ens160 ipv4.gateway
nmcli connection modify ens160 ipv4.method manual
nmcli connection modify ens160 ipc4.dns
nmcli connection down ens160 && nmcli connection up ens160
ip address show ens160
ADD Secondary Static IP using nmcli —->
nmcli device status
nmcli connection show –active
nmcli connection modify ens160 +ipv4.addresses
nmcli connection reload
systemctl reboot
—- nmtui —
—- Network files and basic commands —-
this file is used if you want your system to go to first files, or DNS first.
ifconfig or ip
ifup or ifdown
nslookup or dig
—- Achieve and transfer files —-
— compress and un-compress files —
- put files into a one container, not compress much as gzip
- compresses file
gzip -d or gunzip
- uncompressing file
—- achieving —-
tar cvf filename.tar .
- . means everything in the current working directory
tar cvf filename.tar /home/
—- unachieved —-
tar xvf filename.tar
— compressing —-
gzip filename.tar
— uncompress —
gzip -d filename.tar
rm -rf /
- haha dont do that
—- Install FTP server —-
rpm -qa | grep ftp
yum install vsftpd
vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf -make a copy first
ftpd_banner=Welcome to FTP service.
—– Install FTP client —–
yum install ftp
su – username
touch filename
— SCP – Secure Copy Protocol —
login as yourself
touch jack
scp jack username@ipaddress/path/you/want/to/copy
enter username and password
—– Install and Software Update —–
yum/dnf or rpm
- dnf command is depreciated
yum update / upgrade
- yum is used in cent-os and apt-get used in other links
- repository location
- redhat package manager
- used where there is no internet
- only allows to install the packages where yum is help to donwnload the package and install
yum install ntp
- install ntp package
- first check whether the system has already installed the package
rpm -qa | grep ntp
rpm -ihv /tmp/package.rpm
- to install the package locally
rpm -e rpm-package-name
- to remove installed packages
yum remove bind
- ro remove installed packages
—- System upgrade and patch management —–
yum update
- update to the minor versions of Linux
yum update -y
- don’t ask yes
- delete old packages and install with newer packages
which ksh
- shows the command installed path
rpm -qf /command/path/extracted/by/which-command
- to verify command own to which package
—- Create local repo from dvd —-
what is local repo?
- create repos
mkdir localrepo
df -h (get the cd location)
cd /run/media/user/cd-name
du -sh .
- shows the space on the current folder
df -h
- shows the capacity info in the disks
cp – rv /cd/path/* /to/local/repo-folder
- copy everything from the cd to the folder
rm -rf /ect/yum.repos.d/ (delete current packages)
vi local.repo
createrepo /repo-folder/location
yum clean all
yum repo list all
—- Access Linux file systems —-
absolute and relative path
tilde ~
. and ..
fdisk -l
- shows more information
absolute path id the direct path which is cd /home/pictures/myfile
and the relative path is going by using the command cd cd cd
cd ~
- directly going to the home directory
—- Analyze servers and get support —
- check logs /var/log/ directory
- you can get support from the redhat technical support
- to get support run sosreport or “sos report”
- redhat has made web-based application named cockpit to manage and analyze servers
—- cockpit —-
- server administration tool sponsored by RedHat
Install, configure and manage cockpit
-systemctl start cockpit.service
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